This service allows you to borrow money from RWF 100,000 up to RWF 20,000,000 and get it within 24 hours or less.
To get money, you need a collateral (ingwate) with equal or greater value to the money you need and money must be returned
(paid-back) between 1 day and 6 months or more in case of a business as a collateral.
You pay a monthly interest rate of 20% depending on your selected payback date. The earlier, the less.
In case you have a business idea or an existing business as a collateral, we agree on a small percentage on revenues.
We may need more information about your collateral for our team to be able to evaluate it. Once approved, we will sign a LOA (Loan Agreement) and directly give you money with no more procedures.
Connect us to someone who need money and once we approve his collateral and give him money.
We directly pay you 20% of the interest to be paid. All you need is to create a CashNayo account
here and share your referral code or referral link.